Command line switches for Backup Exec silent mode installation

The command line switches used for silent mode installation of Backup Exec are described in the following table.

Note the following general rules for using these switches:

Table: Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec


Additional Switches



Installs Backup Exec using the options specified with the additional switches. The /USER:"user" /DOM:"dm" /PASS:"pw" is required.




Required. Specifies an existing user, domain, and password for the Backup Exec system service account. Silent mode installation will not create a user.


When using /PASS:, if a quote is needed as part of the password, specify it as \". For example, if the password is pass"word, type it as /PASS:pass\"word. If the characters \" are used as part of the password, you must precede each character with a \. For example, if the password is pass\"word, type it as /PASS:pass\\\"word.


Specifies the path where Backup Exec will be installed. Otherwise, the default path Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec is used.


Installs online documentation.


Allows you to select all install options without actually installing the Backup Exec software. This option can be used in conjunction with the /CPF: or /XML: switches.

/SNO:license key

Specifies one or more license keys to use for installing Backup Exec and additional options. License keys are not required to install the Remote Administrator. You may specify up to 99 license keys. If none are specified, then an Evaluation copy of Backup Exec is installed.

The following examples show how the /SNO switch can be used:


/SNO:s1 s2 s3 s4

/SNO:s1 /SNO:s2 /SNO:s3 /SNO:s4


If you install a license for an option or agent, you must also type a switch that specifies the option or agent. The switches that specify an option or agent are included in this table.


/TD:NEW installs tape drivers only for drives that do not have drivers loaded.

/TD:ALL installs tape drivers for all drives.


To install the Symantec tape drivers, the Windows driver signing policy must be set to Ignore. See your Microsoft Windows documentation for instructions on changing the driver signing policy.


Creates a file containing all of the installation parameters provided. This file is encrypted.


Creates an XML file containing all of the installation parameters provided.


The XML file is not encrypted, which exposes parameters such as the password.


Installs the Backup Exec database to the specified SQL server.

/DBINSTPATH: <SQL Express destination folder>

Installs the default instance of SQL Express in the specified folder.


Skips the installation of Symantec LiveUpdate.


Installs the Remote Agent without publishing it.

/SQLXSETUP:<SQL Express Install Package>

Specifies the location of the language-specific install package for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.


Installs the Library Expansion Option.


Installs the Intelligent Disaster Recovery Option.


Installs the Advanced Open File Option.


Installs the Backup Exec Desktop and Laptop Option.


Installs the five-user version of the Backup Exec Desktop and Laptop Option.

/MMS:<CAS server name>

Creates a managed media server for use with the Central Admin Server Option.


/CASOPVLLOCAL:<1> indicates that device and media data will be stored locally on the managed media server. Use this switch with /MMS:.

/CASOPVLLOCAL:<0> indicates that device and media data will be stored on the central administration server. Use this switch with /MMS:.


Installs the Clone CD option to the default location, which is <Backup Exec installation path>\clonecd.

/CLONE:<clone path>

Installs the Clone CD option to the location that you specify.


Installs the Backup Exec Agent for SAP Applications (SAP Agent).


Installs the SAN Shared Storage Option with this server as the primary server.

/SSO:server name

Installs the SAN Shared Storage Option with this server as the secondary and the <server name> as the primary.


Installs the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint.


Installs the Library Expansion Option.


Installs the Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server.


Installs the Agent for Lotus Domino.


Installs the Agent for Oracle on Windows or Linux Servers.


Installs the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.


Installs the Agent for Enterprise Vault.


Installs the Remote Agent for Windows Systems.


Installs the Remote Agent for NetWare Servers.


Installs the Advanced Disk-based Backup Option.


Installs the Central Admin Server Option.


Installs the Active Directory Recovery Agent.


Installs the NDMP Option.


Installs the Agent for DB2.


Installs the Remote Agent for Macintosh Servers.


Installs the Remote Agent for Linux or UNIX Servers.


Installs the Agent for Microsoft Virtual Server.


Installs the Agent for VMware Virtual Infrastructure.


Installs the Storage Provisioning Option.


Installs the Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers.


Installs the Copy Server Configuration option.


Provides help on all command line operations, usage, and special switches.

More Information

Push-installing the Remote Agent and the AOFO using the command line
