Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)

Installing Backup Exec using the command line is referred to as Silent Mode Installation. This method of installation uses the setup.exe program on the Backup Exec CD, a series of command switches, and the -S switch.

Requirements for Command Line Installation include the following:

To install Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.

  2. Change to the drive containing the Backup Exec CD.

  3. Change directories to \WINNT\INSTALL\BE.

  4. Type setup /TS: and the appropriate switches. For example:

    setup /TS: /USER:<user> /DOM:domain /PASS:password /SNO:license 
    key -S

    See Command line switches for Backup Exec silent mode installation.

    If you use the command line switches without the -S switch, the Backup Exec installation program launches with the command line parameters as defaults for the installation options. For example, if -S had been left in the above example, the Backup Exec installation program launches with the user name, domain, password, and license key appearing on the installation dialog boxes.

  5. Press Enter.

    The installation process creates a job log named bkupinst.htm on the computer where Backup Exec is installed. This file lists any errors that may have occurred during installation. The last line of the log indicates if the installation was successful and if you must restart the computer.

More Information

About the installation log