A Disaster Preparation Plan is necessary for restoring Lotus Domino databases efficiently and effectively in the event of a catastrophic failure. The goal is to minimize the time to recover. Developing a backup strategy for your Windows computers and Lotus Domino databases is the critical part of this plan.
When developing a strategy for backing up your Lotus Domino databases, consider the following recommendations:
If you have linked databases, it is best to keep them on one volume. This allows Backup Exec to synchronize the databases before they are backed up.
Back up active databases often. This reduces the amount of effort required to update the databases to the point following the most recent backup.
Ensure that the notes.ini, cert.id, and server.id files are protected and available if a disaster occurs.
More Information
Disaster recovery of a Lotus Domino server
Disaster recovery of a Lotus Domino server using archive logging
Disaster recovery of a Lotus Domino server using circular logging