About the -IOProfile Command

The -IOProfile command enables a profile to be exported from one media server, and then imported to another media server. An option is also provided to import global settings.


When a profile is imported, it does not initially have any users assigned to it, so there is no immediate impact. When global settings are imported, they immediately apply to all Desktop Agent users who are assigned to the server.

Use the following command to export a profile:

DLOCommandu -C <master server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file 
name> -E <profile name>

This exports the requested named profile (-E) from the specified server (-C) into the named file (-DBF). It is not necessary to specify the master server name with the -C option if the profile is on the same server where the command is run.

Use the following command to import a profile:

DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name>

This imports the profile in the given file (-DBF) into the named server (-C.)

Use the following command to import the console settings for DLO administrator account management in addition to the profile:

DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name> 

Use the following command to import the global settings in addition to the profile:

DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name>