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The -IOProfile command enables a profile to be exported from one media server, and then imported to another media server. An option is also provided to import global settings.
Use the following command to export a profile:
DLOCommandu -C <master server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name> -E <profile name>
This exports the requested named profile (-E) from the specified server (-C) into the named file (-DBF). It is not necessary to specify the master server name with the -C option if the profile is on the same server where the command is run.
Use the following command to import a profile:
DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name>
This imports the profile in the given file (-DBF) into the named server (-C.)
Use the following command to import the console settings for DLO administrator account management in addition to the profile:
DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name> -IPRGCS
Use the following command to import the global settings in addition to the profile:
DLOCommandu -C < server name> -IOProfile -DBF <export file name> -IPRGS