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About the -ListUser Command

The -ListUser command is used to list by All, file server, profile name, profile ID, storage location name, storage location ID, or user name.

Use the following syntax:

DLOCommandu -listuser [ -A | -F | -P | -PI | -S | -SI | -U ]


Wildcard matches (*) are permitted in profile, Storage Location, and user names. Quotation marks are required around names if the name contains a space or colon.

Use the following command options:

Table: -ListUser options




Lists settings for all users (default)

-F <file server>

Lists settings for users with storage locations on the named file server

-P <profile name>

Lists settings for users by profile name

-PI <profile id>

Lists settings for users by profile id

-S <SL name>

Lists settings for users by storage location name

-SI <SL id>

Lists settings for users by storage location id

-U <user>

Lists settings for users by user name

The following examples show you how to use the command options:

DLOCommandu -listuser -A

DLOCommandu -listuser -P yourprofile

DLOCommandu -listuser -U mmouse

DLOCommandu -listuser -U m*

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