Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface Help
Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob Cmdlet

Submits a convert to virtual job in Backup Exec.

Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob -AgentServer [<BEAgentServer>] -TargetEnvironment [<BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment>] [-Priority {Normal | Lowest | Low | High | Highest}] [-StartDate [<DateTime>]] [-ExcludeNonSystemData [<SwitchParameter>]] [-AutomaticallyDeleteJob {Never | IfSuccessful | WhenComplete}] [-SubmitOnHold [<Boolean>]] [-VirtualMachineCpuCount [<UInt32>]] [-NotBefore [<DateTime>]] [-PointInTime [<DateTime>]] [-Name [<String>]] [-VirtualMachinePhysicalRamMB [<UInt32>]] [-OverwriteExistingVirtualMachine [<Boolean>]] [-VirtualMachineName [<String>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob -JobHistory [<BEJobHistory>] -TargetEnvironment [<BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment>] [-AutomaticallyDeleteJob {Never | IfSuccessful | WhenComplete}] [-Priority {Normal | Lowest | Low | High | Highest}] [-StartDate [<DateTime>]] [-SubmitOnHold [<Boolean>]] [-ExcludeNonSystemData [<SwitchParameter>]] [-VirtualMachineName [<String>]] [-Name [<String>]] [-VirtualMachineCpuCount [<UInt32>]] [-VirtualMachinePhysicalRamMB [<UInt32>]] [-OverwriteExistingVirtualMachine [<Boolean>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Submits a convert to virtual job in Backup Exec.

You can specify a Backup Exec job history object as the point in time in the backup set for the convert to virtual operation.

You can also specify a point-in-time range to determine the point in time in the backup set for the convert to virtual operation.


-Name <String>

Specifies the name of the job.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-AgentServer <BEAgentServer>

Specifies the server from which the data was backed up.

Required true
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-PointInTime <DateTime>

Specifies a point in time in the backup set to use for the convert to virtual operation.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-NotBefore <DateTime>

Specifies a starting point in time in the backup set to use for the convert to virtual operation.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-JobHistory <BEJobHistory>

Specifies the job history object referencing the backup set to use for the convert to virtual operation.

Required true
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-TargetEnvironment <BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment>

Specifies the target virtual environment where the virtual machine will be created. See New-BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment.

Required true
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-VirtualMachineName <String>

Specifies the name of the virtual machine to create.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-OverwriteExistingVirtualMachine <Boolean>

Overwrites an existing virtual machine with the same name if it exists.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-VirtualMachinePhysicalRamMB <UInt32>

Specifies the amount of RAM in MB the virtual machine will get.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-VirtualMachineCpuCount <UInt32>

Specifies the number of CPUs the virtual machine will get.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ExcludeNonSystemData <SwitchParameter>

Excludes user data from the convert to virtual operation.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-StartDate <DateTime>

Indicates when the job should start. If you do not specify this parameter, the job starts immediately.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the order that the job runs. If two jobs are scheduled to run at the same time, the priority you set determines which job runs first.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Deletes the job automatically when it completes.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-SubmitOnHold <Boolean>

Submits the job with an on-hold status.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-WhatIf <SwitchParameter>

Describes what happens if you execute the command without actually executing the command.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Confirm <SwitchParameter>

Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_commonparameters".

Input Types

You can pipe in a Backup Exec agent server object into Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob.


You can pipe in a Backup Exec job history object into Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob.

Return Value

Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob returns a Backup Exec job object


Example 1

C:\PS> $targetEnvironment = New-BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment -HyperVServerName hypervserver01 -HyperVDestinationPath c:\vms -LogonAccount "System Logon Account" -ToolsIsoPath c:\hypervtools.iso
C:\PS> Get-BEJob "Job 0001" | Get-BEJobHistory -FromLastJobRun | Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob -FileSystemSelection C:\BackedUpData\*.*

These commands create a virtual machine on a Hyper-V server using data from the most recent run of a job named "Job 0001".

Example 2
C:\PS> $targetEnvironment = New-BEConvertToVirtualTargetEnvironment -VMwareVCenterServerName vcenterserver01 -VMwareHostName hostserver01 -VMwareDataStoreName datastore01 -LogonAccount "System Logon Account" -ToolsIsoPath c:\vmwaretools.iso
C:\PS> Get-BEAgentServer | Submit-BEConvertBackupToVirtualJob -FileSystemSelection C:\BackedUpData\*.*

These commands create a virtual machine within a VMware vCenter using data from the most recent backup of a server named "".

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