Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface Help
Set-BETraceSource Cmdlet

Configures, starts, and stops a trace of BEMCLI components.

Set-BETraceSource [[-FilePath] [<String>]] [[-Level] {Off | Critical | Error | Warning | Information | Verbose | ActivityTracing | All}] [-Debugger [<SwitchParameter>]] [-PSHost [<SwitchParameter>]] [-ListenerOptions {None | LogicalOperationStack | DateTime | Timestamp | ProcessId | ThreadId | Callstack}] [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-BETraceSource [-RemoveFilePath [<String>]] [-RemoveDebugger [<SwitchParameter>]] [-RemovePSHost [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Configures, starts, and stops a trace of BEMCLI components.



Specifies the type of events that you want to trace.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position 0
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Adds optional data to the prefix of each trace message in the output. To specify multiple options, separate them with commas, but with no spaces, and enclose them in quotation marks, such as "ProcessID,ThreadID".

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-FilePath <String>

Sends the trace output to the specified file. This parameter also selects the file trace listener. If you use this parameter to start the trace, use the RemoveFilePath parameter to stop the trace.

Required false
Position 1
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue ByPropertyName)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-PSHost <SwitchParameter>

Sends the trace output to the Windows PowerShell host. This parameter also selects the PSHost trace listener. If you use this parameter to start the trace, use the RemovePSHost parameter to stop the trace.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Debugger <SwitchParameter>

Sends the trace output to the debugger. You can view the output in any user-mode or kernel mode debugger or in Microsoft Visual Studio. This parameter also selects the default trace listener. If you use this parameter to start the trace, use the RemoveDebugger parameter to stop the trace.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RemovePSHost <SwitchParameter>

Stops the trace by removing the PSHost trace listener.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RemoveDebugger <SwitchParameter>

Stops the trace by removing the debugger trace listener.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RemoveFilePath <String>

Stops the trace by removing the file trace listener associated with the specified file. Enter the path and file name of the trace output file.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Force <SwitchParameter>

Allows the cmdlet to overwrite a read-only file. Use with the FilePath parameter.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_commonparameters".

Input Type

You can pipe a string to Set-BETraceSource to enable the file trace listener.

Return Value

This cmdlet does not generate any output.


Example 1

C:\PS> Set-BETraceSource -Level Information -PSHost

This command starts BEMCLI tracing for information level events and logs them to the Windows PowerShell host.

Example 2
C:\PS> Set-BETraceSource -RemovePSHost

This command stops tracing BEMCLI events to the Windows PowerShell host.