Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface Help
Set-BEBackupExecSetting Cmdlet

Modifies global Backup Exec settings.

Set-BEBackupExecSetting [-DiscoverDataToBackupCancel {After1Hour | After2Hours | After4Hours | After6Hours | After12Hours | After18Hours | After24Hours}] [-DiscoverDataToBackupSchedule [<BESchedule>]] [-EnableDiscoverDataToBackup [<Boolean>]] [-AllowAnyNetworkForAgentAccess [<Boolean>]] [-NetworkSubnet [<BENetworkInterfaceSubnet>]] [-NetworkProtocol {AnyAvailable | IPv4 | IPv6}] [-NetworkInterface [<BENetworkInterface>]] [-ReportUseCompanyLogoImageFile [<Boolean>]] [-ReportShowRow {All | Distinct}] [-ReportMaxRowsToInclude [<UInt32>]] [-ReportCompanyLogoImageFilePath [<String>]] [-ReportFooterIncludeTime [<Boolean>]] [-ReportFooterText [<String>]] [-ReportBannerColor [<Color>]] [-PromptBeforeOverwritingMedia [<Boolean>]] [-MediaOverwriteProtectionLevel {None | Full | Partial}] [-InventoryRoboticLibrariesOnBackupExecServiceStart [<Boolean>]] [-MediaOverwriteOption {OverwriteScratchBeforeRecyclable | OverwriteRecyclableBeforeScratchMedia}] [-LimitDiskStorageToReadOnlyIfDetachedForDays [<Int32>]] [-RemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRangeLowerBound [<UInt16>]] [-EnableRemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRange [<Boolean>]] [-EnableSelectionOfUserShare [<Boolean>]] [-RemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRangeUpperBound [<UInt16>]] [-DisasterRecoveryAlternateDataPath [<String>]] [-DisasterRecoveryDataPath [<String>]] [-UseFipsSoftwareEncryption [<Boolean>]] [-ReportFormat {Html | Pdf}] [-JobLogInformationLevel {Summary | SummaryAndDirectories | SummaryDirectoriesAndFiles | SummaryDirectoriesAndFileDetails}] [-JobStalledRecoveredSeconds [<UInt32>]] [-JobStalledThresholdSeconds [<UInt32>]] [-JobLogFilePrefix [<String>]] [-UseStorageBasedCatalog [<Boolean>]] [-RequestMediaInSequenceForCatalogOperation [<Boolean>]] [-JobLogEmailAttachmentFormat {Text | Html}] [-DefaultSchedule [<BESchedule>]] [-GrtRestoreTemporaryStagingPath [<String>]] [-GrtBackupTemporaryStagingPath [<String>]] [-DefaultKeepJobQueuedFor [<TimeSpan>]] [-SendMaintenanceReminderAlertOn [<DateTime>]] [-EnableProgressIndicatorForBackupJob [<Boolean>]] [-DefaultCancelJobIfRunningAfterScheduledTimeBy [<TimeSpan>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobHistoryForDays [<UInt32>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobHistoryForMediaWithOverwriteProtection [<Boolean>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceDeleteAgedData [<Boolean>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobLogsForDays [<UInt32>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepAuditLogsForDays [<UInt32>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepReportsForDays [<UInt32>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepAlertHistoryForDays [<UInt32>]] [-EnableDatabaseMaintenance [<Boolean>]] [-CatalogPath [<String>]] [-TruncateCatalogAfterDays [<UInt32>]] [-DatabaseMaintenancePerformEverydayAt [<DateTime>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceOptimizeSize [<Boolean>]] [-DatabaseMaintenanceSaveDatabaseContent [<Boolean>]] [-DatabaseMaintenancePerformDatabaseConsistencyCheck [<Boolean>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Modifies global Backup Exec settings.

Use Set-BEBackupExecSetting to retrieve global Backup Exec settings.


-GrtBackupTemporaryStagingPath <String>

Designates a location where Backup Exec can stage temporary data during GRT-enabled backup jobs.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-GrtRestoreTemporaryStagingPath <String>

Designates a location where Backup Exec can stage temporary data during GRT restore jobs.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DefaultSchedule <BESchedule>

Specifies the default job schedule.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DefaultKeepJobQueuedFor <TimeSpan>

Specifies the maximum amount of time past its scheduled start time at which Backup Exec considers the job to be missed and reschedules it.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DefaultCancelJobIfRunningAfterScheduledTimeBy <TimeSpan>

Specifies the amount of time after the job's scheduled start time at which you want to cancel the job if it is still running.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EnableProgressIndicatorForBackupJob <Boolean>

Displays the percentage complete number while a backup job processes.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-SendMaintenanceReminderAlertOn <DateTime>

Lets you select the date on which you want to receive a reminder to renew your maintenance contracts for Backup Exec features that are installed.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-JobStalledThresholdSeconds <UInt32>

Specifies the amount of time you want to wait before Backup Exec changes an unresponsive job's status to Stalled.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-JobStalledRecoveredSeconds <UInt32>

Specifies the amount of time you want to wait before Backup Exec fails jobs that stalled and then recovers them.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the amount of detail you want to include in the completed job log.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-JobLogFilePrefix <String>

Specifies a prefix to add to the job logs that are processed. The default prefix is BEX.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the format to use when attaching job logs to an email notification.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RequestMediaInSequenceForCatalogOperation <Boolean>

Catalogs the media in tape drives and disk cartridges by starting with the lowest known tape number in the tape family.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-UseStorageBasedCatalog <Boolean>

Lets Backup Exec read the catalog information from the storage device.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-TruncateCatalogAfterDays <UInt32>

Retains only the header information and removes all file details and directory details after the specified amount of time.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-CatalogPath <String>

Specifies the path where you want to locate the catalogs.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EnableDatabaseMaintenance <Boolean>

Activates the database maintenance process.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenancePerformEverydayAt <DateTime>

Specifies the time you want to perform database maintenance.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenancePerformDatabaseConsistencyCheck <Boolean>

Checks the logical and physical consistency of the data in the database.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceSaveDatabaseContent <Boolean>

Places the data that is contained in the database into the Backup Exec data directory so that the database backup file (BEDB.bak) can be backed up.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceOptimizeSize <Boolean>

Reorganizes fragmented pages and decrease the size of the physical database to 10 percent above what is actually used.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceDeleteAgedData <Boolean>

Activates the deletion of expired job history, job logs, alert history, and reports from the Backup Exec Database after the specified number of days have passed.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobHistoryForMediaWithOverwriteProtection <Boolean>

Keeps all job history data for any media to which an overwrite protection policy is currently assigned.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobHistoryForDays <UInt32>

Specifies the number of days to keep job history data in the database before it is deleted.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepJobLogsForDays <UInt32>

Specifies the number of days to keep job logs in the database before they are deleted.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepAlertHistoryForDays <UInt32>

Specifies the number of days to keep alert history data in the database before it is deleted.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepReportsForDays <UInt32>

Specifies the number of days to keep report data in the database before it is deleted.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DatabaseMaintenanceKeepAuditLogsForDays <UInt32>

Specifies the number of days to keep audit log data in the database before it is deleted.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the format for reports.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportMaxRowsToInclude <UInt32>

Specifies the maximum number of rows to show in a report.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the rows to display in a report.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportUseCompanyLogoImageFile <Boolean>

Uses a customized image file in the header of all custom reports.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportCompanyLogoImageFilePath <String>

Identifies the path to the logo that you want to use in all custom reports.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportBannerColor <Color>

Specifies the banner color for reports.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportFooterText <String>

Specifies the text that you want to display in the footer of custom reports.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-ReportFooterIncludeTime <Boolean>

Includes the time when the report runs in the footer of custom reports.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EnableDiscoverDataToBackup <Boolean>

Enables Backup Exec's task to discover data to back up.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DiscoverDataToBackupSchedule <BESchedule>

Specifies the schedule that the task to discover data to back up runs.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the number of hours after which the data discovery task is cancelled if it is not finished.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-AllowAnyNetworkForAgentAccess <Boolean>

Ensures that the data from the remote computer is backed up or restored over any available network if the remote computer that you select for backup or restore is not part of the specified backup network.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-NetworkInterface <BENetworkInterface>

Specifies the name of the network interface card that connects the Backup Exec server to the network you want to use for the backup network. See Get-BENetworkInterface.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the protocol you want to used to back up remote computers.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-NetworkSubnet <BENetworkInterfaceSubnet>

Specifies the subnet you want to use to back up remote computers on by using one of the subnets of a network interface returned by Get-BENetworkInterface.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EnableSelectionOfUserShare <Boolean>

Lets you include user-defined shares in jobs.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EnableRemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRange <Boolean>

Lets remote agents use a range of ports for communication.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRangeLowerBound <UInt16>

The lower-bound port for the remote agents to use for communication.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-RemoteAgentTcpDynamicPortRangeUpperBound <UInt16>

The upper-bound port for the remote agents to use for communication.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-UseFipsSoftwareEncryption <Boolean>

Enables software encryption that complies with FIPS 140-2 standards.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DisasterRecoveryDataPath <String>

Specifies the path that you want to use to store the disaster recovery information files for the backed up computers.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-DisasterRecoveryAlternateDataPath <String>

Specifies the alternate path that you want to use to store a copies of the disaster recovery information files for the backed up computers.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-InventoryRoboticLibrariesOnBackupExecServiceStart <Boolean>

Enables Backup Exec to inventory all of the slots in a robotic library when Backup Exec services start.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies when Backup Exec is permitted to overwrite media.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-PromptBeforeOverwritingMedia <Boolean>

Prompts you before Backup Exec overwrites media.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


Specifies the type of media that should be overwritten first.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-LimitDiskStorageToReadOnlyIfDetachedForDays <Int32>

Specifies the number of days that the disk-based storage must be detached from the Backup Exec server before Backup Exec is limited to read-only operations.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-WhatIf <SwitchParameter>

Describes what happens if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Confirm <SwitchParameter>

Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false


For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_commonparameters".

Input Type

This cmdlet does not accept any input.

Return Value

Get-BEBackupExecSetting returns an object that represents global Backup Exec settings.

C:\PS> Set-BEBackupExecSetting -JobLogInformationLevel SummaryDirectoriesAndFileDetails

This command updates the global settings to include summary information, processed subdirectories, a list of all the file names and their attributes in the job log.

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