Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface Help
Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk Cmdlet

Gets the physical disks of a storage array.

Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk -StorageArrayDevice [<BEStorageArrayDevice[]>] [[-Name] [<String[]>]] [-IsConfigured [<Boolean>]] [-Slot [<UInt32[]>]] [-Enclosure [<UInt32[]>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk [-Id] [<Guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk -InputObject [<BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Gets the physical disks of a storage array.

The objects returned from Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk are used to set the DiskGroupPhysicalDisk, AddHotSparePhysicalDisk, and RemoveHotSparePhysicalDisk parameters of the Submit-BEStorageArrayDeviceConfigurationJob command.


-StorageArrayDevice <BEStorageArrayDevice[]>

Specifies one or more storage array values to filter the storage array physical disks. To specify multiple values, use commas to separate the values.

Required true
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Enclosure <UInt32[]>

Specifies one or more enclosure values to filter the storage array physical disks. To specify multiple values, use commas to separate the values.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Slot <UInt32[]>

Specifies one or more slot values to filter the storage array physical disks. To specify multiple values, use commas to separate the values.

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-IsConfigured <Boolean>

Specifies one or more is configured values to filter the storage array physical disks. To specify multiple values, use commas to separate the values.

The valid values are:

Required false
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Name <String[]>

Specifies one or more storage array physical disks by storage array physical disk name (wildcards accepted). To specify multiple names, use commas to separate the names.

Required false
Position 0
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters true

-Id <Guid[]>

Specifies one or more storage array physical disks by storage array physical disk ID (Guid). To specify multiple IDs, use commas to separate the IDs.

Required true
Position 0
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-InputObject <BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk[]>

Specifies one or more storage array physical disk objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

Required true
Position Named
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue)
Accepts wildcard characters false


For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_commonparameters".

Input Types

You can pipe a Backup Exec storage array object to Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk.


You can pipe a System.Guid that contains the ID of a Backup Exec storage array physical disk object to Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk.


You can pipe a Backup Exec storage array physical disk object to Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk.

Return Value

Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk returns objects that represent Backup Exec storage array physical disks.


Example 1

C:\PS> $physicalDisks = Get-BEStorageArrayDevice -Name "Device 0001" | Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk -IsConfigured $false
C:\PS> Get-BEStorageArrayDevice -Name "Device 0001" | Submit-BEStorageArrayDeviceConfigurationJob -ConfigureHotSparesOnly -AddHotSparePhysicalDisk $physicalDisks

These commands configure all of the unconfigured physical disks on a storage array named "Device 0001" as hot spares.

Example 2
C:\PS> $physicalDisks = Get-BEStorageArrayDevice -Name "Device 0001" | Get-BEStorageArrayPhysicalDisk -IsConfigured $false
C:\PS> Get-BEStorageArrayDevice -Name "Device 0001" | Submit-BEStorageArrayDeviceConfigurationJob -DiskGroupPhysicalDisk $physicalDisks

These commands configure a disk storage group with all of the unconfigured physical disks on a storage array named "Device 0001".

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