Options - Assets
Settings for the Assets management module.
- Log processes - turn on/off automatic processes logging
- Show asset types - turn on/off displaying object type in assets
- Save expanded state - automatically save all branches state
within the tree after closing the Console
- Show users in tree - display usernames in the tree
- Move only to containers - allow moving assets only to asset
types marked as containers
- Forbid assigning assets to inactive users - do not assign
assets to inactive users
- Forbid assigning users to disabled assets - do not assign users
to inactive assets
- Allow assigning max 1 user - allow assigning max 1 user per
- Asset handover forced items (users, location) - force entering
items in the handover
- Asset report template by asset type (Asset_ASSETTYPE...) -
possibility to customize the template for each type of asset
- Asset handover template by asset type
(Asset_Handover_ASSETTYPE...) - possibility to customize the
template for each type of asset
- Asset handover template by asset process type
(Asset_Handover_...) - possibility to customize the template for
each type of process
- Compress binary files in the database - allow compression for
document stored in the database
- Save generated documents of processes to the database -
automatically store generated documents as binary objects (whole
content) to the database
- Attribute Type - save documents into selected attribute
- Templates - list of templates in Assets management module.
Generate tempates from context menu.
- Synchronize audited computers with assets
- Automatically add new computers into assets - all newly added
audited computers will be consequently added into assets
- Including hardware - all newly added audited hardware will be
consequently added into assets
- Including users - turn on/off assigning users when adding
- Synchronize computer additions - synchronize the link between
audited computers and computers in assets
- Synchronize computer attributes - automatically synchronize the
values of attributes (TComputer table) in the Computers window with
the Assets window
- Synchronize device attributes - automatically synchronize the
values of attributes (TDevice table) in the Computers window with
the Assets window
- Automatically detete computers from assets - all deleted
audited computers will be consequently deleted from assets
- Synchronize audited computers with assets - merge informations
from Assets module with Locations according to values of