Define types of assets/processes for the Asset Management
Edit Bar
Insert (key INS) - Insert new item.
Properties (key ENTER) - Change the selected
item’s properties.
Delete (key DEL) - Delete the selected item.
Object/process definition.
Name - The name of object/process
Active - status
Display - display this type in the reports
Container - set up object as container to insert objects into
it (possible to combine with Options/Assets/Move only to containers
- in this case only containers will be filtered as destination
object on the Move asset operation)
Protocol - include this object/process type on activity log
Native ID (for internal use) - internal numbering used for
Copy from - copy assigned attribute types from another asset
Icon - icon for displaying the object/process
Attributes - list of attributes for this item
All attributes - list of all attributes
Synchronize - include this item to synchronization
Document template - select template file for generating