
AuditPro digest


Contains basic summary information about scanned and monitored computers.


TOP 5 Software & Web

In upper part, it contains the most used applications, total number of minutes and the most active user.

In bottom part, it contains the most often visited web pages, total number of visits and the most visiting user.


Daily working hours and average efficiency

Chart containing information about user's efficiency. It contains procentual distribution of used applications in every hour.


PC performance and security

In upper part, it contains average values of Windows Experience Index and basic HW components.

In bottom part, it contains procentual evaluation of correct security settings.


Multimedia content

Chart containing file types which occupy the most space on hard disks. After clicking <more>, complete list of files grouped by type is displayed.


Internet web sites by category

Chart containing proportions and number of hits of visited web sites grouped by category. After clicking <more>, complete report of visited web sites grouped by category is displayed.


Used applications by category

Chart containing proportions and total times (in minutes) of active applications grouped by category. After clicking <more>, complete report of active foreground programs is displayed.