
Product library


Summary software publishers, products and file-definitions displayed in tree structure as the product library:


The built-in products library that come with AuditPro contains data on hundreds of software publishers but you can extend and arrange it as you wish (custom product library).

You can define files at the bottom of the window. The product identification is based on these files.


Child windows:

Product (Software)Types:

productStandard product

packageSuite - product suite

productProduct - a suite member; derived suites inherit this

product_derivedDerived product - a suite member derived from a higher suite (a member of one of the higher suites)

product_privatePrivate product - a suite member for this suite only (derived suites do not inherit it)

platformPlatform - The type of operating system (it is detected by the definitions in Definitions/Platforms; it can also be detected by the file. It can be a suite at the same time = it can contain products)


Edit Bar

InsertInsert (key INS) - Insert new item.

PropertiesProperties (key ENTER) - Change Change the selected item’s properties.

DeleteDelete (key DEL) - Delete the selected item.


Context menu