ADTD outputs to Visio
Drawings. Unless otherwise instructed, all Output Files will be
placed in the current Users” My Documents” directory.
Enter the full path and
file name of the Visio drawing (.
vsd) to be output. If the file exists,
it will be overwritten with the newly generated drawing. Use the
Browse button to assist in the directory location. Do this
five times for Active Directory Domain Visio Drawing, for the
Active Directory OU Visio Drawing, for the Active Directory
Application Partition Visio Drawing, for the Active Directory Site
Visio Drawing and for the Exchange Visio Drawing.
ADTD optionally outputs to
text files. If an output file is activated, checked, a valid path
and filename must be provided. If this file exists, it will be
If selected, ADTD logs all
application messages to a text file. This will include a
statistical "start" and "stop" message. This is useful for
recording anomalies in the directory that ADTD ignores, or making
specific assumptions. Use the
Browsebutton to assist in the directory location.
ADTD uses LDAP queries to
discover the objects within the Active Directory. Sometimes the
ADTD default settings may not be sufficient.
Change the provided
default value from 30 seconds to any value you would like to
specify. Higher values may be appropriate, especially in large
scale environments.