Directory Services |
The following code example queries an LDAP server for extended control support, and prints a list to the console window. If an error occurs it prints the hex value of the LDAP error instead. For more information and a list of error code values, see Return Values.
#ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winldap.h> // ULONG GetSupportedLdapControls( PCHAR HostName, PCHAR* pValList ) // [in] HostName LDAP server name // [out] pValList Null-terminated array of control OIDs. // // This function queries an LDAP server for a list of its // supported extended controls. If successful, it returns // LDAP_SUCCESS and an array of control OIDs. // // The array returned in the pValList pointer must be freed with // ldap_value_free() when no longer required. ULONG GetSupportedLdapControls( PCHAR HostName, PCHAR** ppValList ) { ULONG version = LDAP_VERSION3; ULONG lRtn = LDAP_SUCCESS;; LDAP* pSes = NULL; LDAPMessage* pMes = NULL; LDAPMessage* pEntry = NULL; // Initialize return value to NO CONTROLS SUPPORTED *ppValList = NULL; while(1) { // Create a new LDAP session. pSes = ldap_init(HostName,LDAP_PORT); if(pSes == NULL) { lRtn = LdapGetLastError(); if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS) lRtn = LDAP_OTHER; break; } // Be sure to use Version 3 support. lRtn = ldap_set_option(pSes,LDAP_OPT_VERSION,(void*)&version); if(lRtn != LDAP_SUCCESS) break; // Get the RootDSE attributes. lRtn = ldap_search_s( pSes, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)", NULL, 0, &pMes ); if( lRtn != LDAP_SUCCESS ) break; // Return the support controls. pEntry = ldap_first_entry(pSes, pMes); if( pEntry != NULL ) *ppValList = ldap_get_values(pSes, pEntry, "supportedControl"); break; } // Cleanup. if(pMes != NULL) ldap_msgfree(pMes); if(pSes != NULL) ldap_unbind_s(pSes); return lRtn; } PCHAR MyServer = ""; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { PCHAR* pValList; ULONG lRtn; lRtn = GetSupportedLdapControls(MyServer, &pValList); if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PCHAR* pV = pValList; printf("Extended Controls Supported:\n"); while(*pV) { printf(" %s\n",*pV); pV++; } if(pValList != NULL) ldap_value_free(pValList); } else printf("ERROR: code = 0x%0lX\n",lRtn); return 0; }