Directory Services |
What can I do with DSML Services for Windows?
You can perform virtually all LDAP operations as defined in RFC 2251 against DSML V2 using a valid DSML request payload.
No, DSML Services for Windows can run on servers running either Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
Is DSML Services for Windows included in the Windows Server 2003 family?
No, DSML Services for Windows is not part of the the Windows Server 2003 family. DSML Services for Windows can be downloaded as a standalone application.
Can I run DSML Services for Windows against Active Directory running on Windows 2000?
How do I configure DSML Services for Windows to make it secure?
DSML Services for Windows uses IIS for security. Per the DSML V2 specification, DSML Services for Windows does not have its own security model and assumes that authentication happens out-of-band and before DSML Services for Windows processes requests.
Which object model can I use to access DSML Services for Windows?
You can use any object model or API sets that allow you to transmit an HTTP request and receive an HTTP response, for example, the IXmlHttpRequest API call. DSML Services for Windows does not have a specific object model that transmits and receives the DSML payload over SOAP, and then translates the DSML response back to the object model. In the future, Microsoft might develop a client-side object model that is specific to DSML V2, but one does not exist at the current time.