Directory Services


The SecurityDescriptorToBinarySD function converts an IADsSecurityDescriptor object to the binary security descriptor format.

HRESULT SecurityDescriptorToBinarySD(
  VARIANT vVarSecDes,
  PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* ppSecurityDescriptor,
  PDWORD pdwSDLength,
  LPCWSTR pszServerName,
  LPCWSTR userName,
  LPCWSTR passWord,
  DWORD dwFlags


[in] Contains a VARIANT that contains the security descriptor to convert. The VARIANT must contain a VT_DISPATCH that contains an IADsSecurityDescriptor object.
[out] Address of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pointer that receives the binary security descriptor data. The caller must free this memory by passing this pointer to the FreeADsMem function.
[out] Address of a DWORD value that receives the length, in bytes of the binary security descriptor data.
[in] A null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the name of the server where the security descriptor is placed. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.
[in] A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the user name that the security descriptor is associated to. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.
[in] A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the password that the security descriptor is associated. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.
[in] Contains authentication flags for the conversion. This can be zero or a combination of one or more of the ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM enumeration values.

Return Values

This method supports the standard return values, as well as the following.
Return Code Description
S_OK Operation succeeded.


This function is used for legacy applications to manually convert security descriptors to binary security descriptors. For new applications, use IADsSecurityUtility, which performs this conversion automatically.


Client: Included in Windows XP.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003.
Header: Declared in Adshlp.h.
Library: Use ActiveDS.lib.

See Also

IADsSecurityDescriptor, VARIANT, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, FreeADsMem, ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM, BinarySDToSecurityDescriptor, ADSI Error Codes, ADSI Functions