Directory Services |
After installing the ADSI SDK, from the installation directory, change directories to the Samples\NetDs\ADSI\Samples\Provider\Setup subdirectory. Run install.bat as described in the README.TXT instructions.
For registry settings, under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ADs\Providers subkey, the ADSI example provider component has the following subkeys (these are created when install.bat is run):
Sample = SampleNamespace
Under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subkey, provider namespace object shave the following subkeys and values:
SampleNamespace\Clsid = {F46430D0-CBfB-11CE-A9F7-00AA00B67689} Sample\Clsid = {F46430D1-CBfB-11CE-A9F7-00AA00B67689}
Under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID subkey, provider namespace objects have the following subkeys and values:
SampleNamespaceCLSID = Sample Namespace Object SampleNamespaceCLSID\InProcServer32 = adssmp.dll SampleNamespaceCLSID\InProcServer32\ThreadingModel = Both SampleNamespaceCLSID\ProgID = Sample SampleNamespaceCLSID\TypeLib = {F46430D2-CBfB-11CE-A9F7-00AA00B67689} SampleNamespaceCLSID\Version = 0.0
Under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID subkey, provider top-level objects must have the following subkeys and values:
SampleCLSID = Sample Provider Object SampleCLSID\InProcServer32 = adssmp.dll SampleCLSID\InProcServer32\ThreadingModel = Both SampleCLSID\ProgID = Sample SampleCLSID\TypeLib = {F46430D2-CBfB-11CE-A9F7-00AA00B67689} SampleCLSID\Version = 0.0
For the specific example of the example provider component dll, the following registry entries are needed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE +CLSID Sample Clsid <No Name>:REG_SZ{323991f0-…} SampleNAMESPACE Clsid <No Name>:REG_SZ{51d11c90--…}
Other registry entries for the example provider component exist because the example provider component happened to implement its directory hierarchy in the registry. This in no way implies other providers would want to or should do the same.