Directory Services


The IADsService interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to maintain data about system services running on a host computer. Examples of such services include "FAX" for Microsoft Fax Service, "RemoteAccess" for Routing and RemoteAccess Service, and "seclogon" for Secondary Logon Service. Examples of the data about any system service include the path to the executable file on the host computer, the type of the service, other services or load group required to run a particular service, and others. IADsService exposes several properties to represent such data.

Methods in Vtable Order

The IADsService interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interfaces:

In addition, IADsService defines the following methods.

Method Description
get_HostComputer Gets and sets the host of this service.
put_HostComputer Gets and sets the host of this service.
get_DisplayName Gets and sets the display name of this service.
put_DisplayName Gets and sets the display name of this service.
get_Version Gets and sets the version data of this service.
put_Version Gets and sets the version data of this service.
get_ServiceType Gets and sets the process type in which this service runs.
put_ServiceType Gets and sets the process type in which this service runs.
get_StartType Gets a value that determines how the service is started.
put_StartType Sets a value that determines how the service is started.
get_Path Gets and sets the path and filename of the executable.
put_Path Gets and sets the path and filename of the executable.
get_StartupParameters Gets and sets the parameters passed at start-up.
put_StartupParameters Gets and sets the parameters passed at start-up.
get_ErrorControl Gets and sets the actions taken in case of service failure.
put_ErrorControl Gets and sets the actions taken in case of service failure.
get_LoadOrderGroup Gets and sets the load order group for this service.
put_LoadOrderGroup Gets and sets the load order group for this service.
get_ServiceAccountName Gets and sets the authentication account name.
put_ServiceAccountName Gets and sets the authentication account name.
get_ServiceAccountPath Gets and sets the path to user object to authenticate.
put_ServiceAccountPath Gets and sets the path to user object to authenticate.
get_Dependencies Gets and sets the array of BSTR names of services or load groups that must be loaded in order for this service to load.
put_Dependencies Gets and sets the array of BSTR names of services or load groups that must be loaded in order for this service to load.


The IADsService interface defines the following properties. The preceding table includes access methods for these properties.

Property Description
Dependencies Gets and sets the array of BSTR names of services or load groups that must be loaded in order for this service to load.
DisplayName Gets and sets the display name of this service.
ErrorControl Gets and sets the actions taken in case of service failure.
HostComputer Gets and sets the host of this service.
LoadOrderGroup Gets and sets the load order group for this service.
Path Gets and sets the path and filename of the executable.
ServiceAccountName Gets and sets the authentication account name.
ServiceAccountPath Gets and sets the path to user object to authenticate.
ServiceType Gets and sets the process type in which this service runs.
StartType Gets and sets a value that determines how the service is started.
StartupParameters Gets and sets the parameters passed at start-up.
Version Gets and sets the version data of this service.


To identify services available on a host computer, first bind to the computer and then enumerate the services available on that computer. See the following code example.

Dim comp as IADsComputer
On Error GoTo Cleanup

Set comp = GetObject("WinNT://aComputer,Computer")
comp.Filter = Array("Service")
For Each srvc in comp
	MsgBox srvc.Name & ", " & srvc.status

	If (Err.Number<>0) Then
		MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
	End If
	Set comp = Nothing

The system services are published in the underlying directory. Some may be running, others may not. To verify the status or to operate on any of the services, use the properties and methods of the IADsServiceOperations interface.

File service is a special case of the system service. The IADsFileService and IADsFileServiceOperations interfaces support additional features unique to file services.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Redistributable: Requires Active Directory Client Extension on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 95/98/Me.
Header: Declared in Iads.h.

See Also

IADsServiceOperations, IADsFileService, IADsFileServiceOperations, IADsService Property Methods