Directory Services


The IADsDomain interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to represent a network domain and manage domain accounts. You can use this interface to determine whether the domain is actually a Workgroup, to specify how frequently a user must change his or her password, and to specify the maximum number of invalid password logins are allowed before a lockout on the account is set. To change a password, call the ChangePassword method on an ADSI object that supports password controls. For example, to change the password of a user account, call IADsUser::ChangePassword on the user object.

Methods in Vtable Order

The IADsDomain interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interfaces:

In addition, IADsDomain defines the following methods.

Method Description
get_IsWorkgroup This property is no longer implemented.
get_MinPasswordLength Gets the minimum number of characters required in the password.
put_MinPasswordLength Sets the minimum number of characters required in the password.
get_MinPasswordAge Gets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed.
put_MinPasswordAge Sets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed.
get_MaxPasswordAge Gets the age at which the password must be changed.
put_MaxPasswordAge Sets the age at which the password must be changed.
get_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed Gets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout.
put_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed Sets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout.
get_PasswordHistoryLength Gets the number of passwords saved.
put_PasswordHistoryLength Sets the number of passwords saved.
get_PasswordAttributes Gets password restrictions.
put_PasswordAttributes Sets password restrictions.
get_AutoUnlockInterval Gets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled.
put_AutoUnlockInterval Sets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled.
get_LockoutObservationInterval Gets the time window for monitoring the account.
put_LockoutObservationInterval Sets the time window for monitoring the account.


The IADsDomain interface defines the following properties. The preceding table includes access methods for these properties.

Property Description
AutoUnlockInterval Gets and sets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled.
IsWorkgroup This property is no longer implemented.
LockoutObservationInterval Gets and sets the time window for monitoring the account.
MaxBadPasswordsAllowed Gets and sets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout.
MaxPasswordAge Gets and sets the age at which the password must be changed.
MinPasswordAge Gets and sets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed.
MinPasswordLength Gets and sets the minimum number of characters required in the password.
PasswordAttributes Gets and sets password restrictions.
PasswordHistoryLength Gets and sets the number of passwords saved.


For the WinNT provider supplied by Microsoft®, this interface is implemented on the WinNTDomain object.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Redistributable: Requires Active Directory Client Extension on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 95/98/Me.
Header: Declared in Iads.h.

See Also

IADs, IADsDomain Property Methods, IADsUser::SetPassword