Directory Services |
The IADsDomain interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to represent a network domain and manage domain accounts. You can use this interface to determine whether the domain is actually a Workgroup, to specify how frequently a user must change his or her password, and to specify the maximum number of invalid password logins are allowed before a lockout on the account is set. To change a password, call the ChangePassword method on an ADSI object that supports password controls. For example, to change the password of a user account, call IADsUser::ChangePassword on the user object.
The IADsDomain interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interfaces:
In addition, IADsDomain defines the following methods.
Method | Description |
get_IsWorkgroup | This property is no longer implemented. |
get_MinPasswordLength | Gets the minimum number of characters required in the password. |
put_MinPasswordLength | Sets the minimum number of characters required in the password. |
get_MinPasswordAge | Gets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed. |
put_MinPasswordAge | Sets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed. |
get_MaxPasswordAge | Gets the age at which the password must be changed. |
put_MaxPasswordAge | Sets the age at which the password must be changed. |
get_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed | Gets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout. |
put_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed | Sets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout. |
get_PasswordHistoryLength | Gets the number of passwords saved. |
put_PasswordHistoryLength | Sets the number of passwords saved. |
get_PasswordAttributes | Gets password restrictions. |
put_PasswordAttributes | Sets password restrictions. |
get_AutoUnlockInterval | Gets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled. |
put_AutoUnlockInterval | Sets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled. |
get_LockoutObservationInterval | Gets the time window for monitoring the account. |
put_LockoutObservationInterval | Sets the time window for monitoring the account. |
The IADsDomain interface defines the following properties. The preceding table includes access methods for these properties.
Property | Description |
AutoUnlockInterval | Gets and sets the minimum time that can elapse before an account is automatically reenabled. |
IsWorkgroup | This property is no longer implemented. |
LockoutObservationInterval | Gets and sets the time window for monitoring the account. |
MaxBadPasswordsAllowed | Gets and sets the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout. |
MaxPasswordAge | Gets and sets the age at which the password must be changed. |
MinPasswordAge | Gets and sets the minimum age that a password must have before it can be changed. |
MinPasswordLength | Gets and sets the minimum number of characters required in the password. |
PasswordAttributes | Gets and sets password restrictions. |
PasswordHistoryLength | Gets and sets the number of passwords saved. |
For the WinNT provider supplied by Microsoft®, this interface is implemented on the WinNTDomain object.
Client: Included in Windows XP and
Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and
Windows 2000 Server.
Redistributable: Requires Active Directory Client Extension
on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 95/98/Me.
Header: Declared in Iads.h.