Directory Services


The IADsComputer interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to represent and manage a computer, such as a server, client, workstation, and so on, on a network. You can manipulate the properties of this interface to access data about a computer. The data includes the operating system, the make and model, processor, computer identifier, its network addresses, and so on.

Methods in Vtable Order

The IADsComputer interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interfaces:

In addition, IADsComputer defines the following methods.

Method Description
get_ComputerID Gets the globally unique identifier for this computer.
get_Site Gets the globally unique identifier for this site.
get_Description Gets and sets the description of this computer.
put_Description Gets and sets the description of this computer.
get_Location Gets and sets the physical location of this computer.
put_Location Gets and sets the physical location of this computer.
get_PrimaryUser Gets and sets the contact person for this computer.
put_PrimaryUser Gets and sets the contact person for this computer.
get_Owner Gets and sets the registered user of this computer.
put_Owner Gets and sets the registered user of this computer.
get_Division Gets and sets the division to which this computer belongs.
put_Division Gets and sets the division to which this computer belongs.
get_Department Gets and sets the department to which this computer belongs.
put_Department Gets and sets the department to which this computer belongs.
get_Role Gets and sets the role of this computer; that is server or workstation.
put_Role Gets and sets the role of this computer; that is server or workstation.
get_OperatingSystem Gets and sets the installed operating system in use.
put_OperatingSystem Gets and sets the installed operating system in use.
get_OperatingSystemVersion Gets and sets the version of installed operating system in use.
put_OperatingSystemVersion Gets and sets the version of installed operating system in use.
get_Model Gets and sets the make and model of this computer.
put_Model Gets and sets the make and model of this computer.
get_Processor Gets and sets the type of processor.
put_Processor Gets and sets the type of processor.
get_ProcessorCount Gets and sets the number of processors installed in this computer.
put_ProcessorCount Gets and sets the number of processors installed in this computer.
get_MemorySize Gets and sets the amount of RAM in MB.
put_MemorySize Gets and the sets amount of RAM in MB.
get_StorageCapacity Gets and sets, in MB, the size of the hard disk drive.
put_StorageCapacity Gets and sets, in MB, the size of the hard disk drive.
get_NetAddresses Gets and sets binding data.
put_NetAddresses Gets and sets binding data.


The IADsComputer interface defines the following properties. The preceding table includes access methods for these properties.

Property Description
ComputerID Gets the globally unique identifier for this computer.
Department Gets and sets the department to which this computer belongs.
Description Gets and sets the description of this computer.
Division Gets and sets the division to which this computer belongs.
Location Gets and sets the physical location of this computer.
MemorySize Gets and sets the amount of RAM in MB.
Model Gets and sets the make and model of this computer.
NetAddresses Gets and sets binding data.
OperatingSystem Gets and sets the installed operating system in use.
OperatingSystemVersion Gets and sets the version of installed operating system in use.
Owner Gets and sets the registered user of this computer.
PrimaryUser Gets and sets the contact person for this computer.
Processor Gets and sets type of processor.
ProcessorCount Gets and sets the number of processors installed in this computer.
Role Gets and sets the role of this computer; that is server or workstation.
Site Gets the globally unique identifier for this site.
StorageCapacity Gets and sets, in MB, the size of the hard disk drive.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Redistributable: Requires Active Directory Client Extension on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 95/98/Me.
Header: Declared in Iads.h.

See Also

IADsComputer Property Methods, IADs