Directory Services


The IPersistQuery::WriteInt method writes an integer value to the query store.

HRESULT WriteInt( 
  LPCWSTR pSection,
  LPCWSTR pValueName,
  INT value


[in] Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the section name that the integer should be written to.
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the name of the integer value.
[in] Contains the integer value to be written to the query store.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful or a standard HRESULT value otherwise. Possible error codes include the following.
Return Code Description
E_FAIL The integer value cannot be written.
E_INVALDIARG One or more parameters are invalid.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Header: Declared in Cmnquery.h.

See Also

IPersistQuery, Active Directory Display Interfaces