[in] Pointer to the IADsContainer interface of
an existing container where the object are created. This parameter
must not be NULL. If this object is to be kept beyond the scope of
this method, the reference count must be incremented by calling
IUnknown::AddRef or IUnknown::QueryInterface.
[in] Pointer to the IADs
interface of the object from which a copy is made. If the new
object is not copied from another object, this parameter is NULL.
For more information about copy operations, see the Remarks
section. If this object is to be kept beyond the scope of this
method, the reference count must be incremented by calling
IUnknown::AddRef or IUnknown::QueryInterface.
[in] Pointer to a WCHAR string containing the LDAP name
of the object class to be created. This parameter must not be NULL.
Supported values are: "user", "computer", "printQueue", "group",
and "contact".
[in] Pointer to an IDsAdminNewObj interface that
contains additional data about the wizard. You can also obtain the
interface of the primary extension by calling QueryInterface
with IID_IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite on this interface. If
this object is to be kept beyond the scope of this method, the
reference count must be incremented by calling
IUnknown::AddRef or IUnknown::QueryInterface.
[in] Pointer to a DSA_NEWOBJ_DISPINFO structure
that contains additional data about the object creation
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful or an OLE-defined error code otherwise.
An Active Directory object can either be created from nothing or
copied from an existing object. If the new object is created from
an existing object, pADsCopySource will contain a pointer to
the object from which the copy is made. If the new object is not
being copied from another object, pADsCopySource will be
NULL. The copy operation is only supported for user objects.
Client: Included in Windows XP and
Windows 2000 Professional. Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and
Windows 2000 Server. Header: Declared in Dsadmin.h.