Directory Services |
Each attribute type has a syntax that determines the type of comparison values that you can specify in a search filter for that attribute.
The following sections describe requirements for each attribute syntax. For more information about attribute syntaxes, see Syntaxes for Active Directory Attributes.
Examples of Boolean
Filter specifying showInAdvancedViewOnly set to TRUE:
Filter specifying showInAdvancedViewOnly set to FALSE:
Be aware that the LDAP matching rule controls can be used to perform bit-wise comparisons.
Matching rules have the following syntax:
where attributename is the lDAPDisplayName of the attribute, ruleOID is the OID for the matching rule control, and value is the value to use for comparison.
Active Directory supports the following matching rules.
Examples of Integer and Enumeration
Filter specifying groupType of Universal group (ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_GROUP is 0x00000008).
Filter specifying groupType of security-enabled Universal group (ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED is 0x80000000). So, ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED | ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_GROUP is 0x80000008 and converted to decimal value is 2147483650.
Bit-wise comparisons
Filter specifying groupType with the ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED bit set:
(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=2147483648) )
The following query string searches for Universal distribution groups; that is, Universal groups without ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED flag:
Use the ADsEncodeBinaryData function to create an encoded string representation of binary data.
Wildcards are accepted.
Example of OctetString
Filter containing encoded string for schemaIDGUID with GUID value (in StringFromGUID2 format) of {BF967ABA-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2}:
Filter containing encoded string for objectGUID with GUID value (in StringFromGUID2 format) of {FB4B7B35-E0AF-11D2-868C-00C04F8607E2}:
The following code example prints the encoded string for the GUID guidmyTestAttributeDNString:
static const GUID guidmyTestAttributeDNString = { /* 9cb304e4-d60d-11d2-81a7-00c04fb98c1a */ 0x9cb304e4, 0xd60d, 0x11d2, {0x81, 0xa7, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x8c, 0x1a} }; LPOLESTR szTestBuffer = NULL; HRESULT hrTemp = E_FAIL; hrTemp = ADsEncodeBinaryData((LPBYTE)&guidmyTestAttributeDNString, sizeof(GUID), &szTestBuffer); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTemp)) wprintf(L"%s\n",szTestBuffer); if(szTestBuffer) FreeADsMem(szTestBuffer);
Example of SID
Filter containing encoded string for objectSid with SID string value of S-1-5-21-1935655697-308236825-1417001333:
Wildcards are not accepted.
Be aware that the objectCategory property also enables you to specify the lDAPDisplayName of the class set on the property.
Examples of DN
Filter that specifies a member containing CN=TestUser,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM:
Two equivalent filters specifying an objectCategory set to CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM:
(objectCategory=CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM) (objectCategory=attributeSchema)
Examples of Integers
Filter specifying a creationTime set to a FILETIME of 3/10/99 3:31:32 PM:
The following functions create an exact match (=) filter for a large integer attribute and verify the attribute in the schema and its syntax:
//*************************************************************************** // // CheckAttribute() // //*************************************************************************** HRESULT CheckAttribute(LPOLESTR szAttribute, LPOLESTR szSyntax) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BSTR bstr; IADsProperty *pObject = NULL; LPWSTR szPrefix = L"LDAP://schema/"; LPWSTR szPath; if((!szAttribute) || (!szSyntax)) { return E_POINTER; } // Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the ADsPath of the attribute. szPath = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(szPrefix) + lstrlenW(szAttribute) + 1]; if(NULL == szPath) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Create the ADsPath of the attribute. lstrcpyW(szPath, szPrefix); lstrcatW(szPath, szAttribute); hr = ADsOpenObject( szPath, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, // Use Secure Authentication. IID_IADsProperty, (void**)&pObject); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pObject->get_Syntax(&bstr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (0==lstrcmpiW(bstr, szSyntax)) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } SysFreeString(bstr); } if(pObject) { pObject->Release(); } delete szPath; return hr; } //*************************************************************************** // // CreateExactMatchFilterLargeInteger() // //*************************************************************************** HRESULT CreateExactMatchFilterLargeInteger( LPOLESTR szAttribute, INT64 liValue, LPOLESTR *pszFilter) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if ((!szAttribute) || (!pszFilter)) { return E_POINTER; } // Verify that the attribute exists and has // Integer8 (Large Integer) syntax. hr = CheckAttribute(szAttribute, L"Integer8"); if (S_OK == hr) { LPWSTR szFormat = L"%s=%I64d"; LPWSTR szTempFilter = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(szFormat) + lstrlenW(szAttribute) + 20 + 1]; if(NULL == szTempFilter) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } swprintf(szTempFilter, L"%s=%I64d", szAttribute, liValue); // Allocate buffer for the filter string. // Caller must free the buffer using CoTaskMemFree. *pszFilter = (OLECHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(OLECHAR) * (lstrlenW(szTempFilter) + 1)); if (*pszFilter) { wcscpy(*pszFilter, szTempFilter); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } delete szTempFilter; } return hr; }
The value specified in a filter is a string. The comparison is case-sensitive.
Z indicates no time differential. Be aware that Active Directory stores date/time as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time. If a time differential is not specified, the default is GMT.
If the local time zone is not GMT, use a differential value to specify your local time zone and apply the differential to GMT. The differential is based on: GMT=Local+differential.
To specify a differential, use:
Examples of GeneralizedTime
Filter specifying a whenCreated time set to 3/23/99 8:52:58 PM:
Filter specifying a whenCreated time set to 3/23/99 8:52:58 PM New Zealand Standard Time (differential is 12 hours):
Calculating Time Zone Differential
The following function returns the differential between the current local time zone and GMT. The value returned is a string in the following format:
For example, Pacific Standard Time is -0800.
//*************************************************************************** // // GetLocalTimeZoneDifferential() // //*************************************************************************** HRESULT GetLocalTimeZoneDifferential(LPOLESTR *pszDifferential) { if(NULL == pszDifferential) { return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwReturn; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timezoneinfo; LONG lTimeDifferential; LONG lHours; LONG lMinutes; dwReturn = GetTimeZoneInformation(&timezoneinfo); switch (dwReturn) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: lTimeDifferential = timezoneinfo.Bias + timezoneinfo.StandardBias; // Bias is in minutes. Calculate the hours for HHMM format. lHours = -(lTimeDifferential/60); // Bias is in minutes. Calculate the minutes for HHMM format. lMinutes = lTimeDifferential%60L; hr = S_OK; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: lTimeDifferential = timezoneinfo.Bias + timezoneinfo.DaylightBias; // Bias is in minutes. Calculate the hours for HHMM format. // Apply the additive inverse. // Bias is based on GMT=Local+Bias. // A differential, based on GMT=Local-Bias, is required. lHours = -(lTimeDifferential/60); // Bias is in minutes. Calculate the minutes for HHMM format. lMinutes = lTimeDifferential%60L; hr = S_OK; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID: default: hr = E_FAIL; break; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // The caller must free the memory using CoTaskMemFree. *pszDifferential = (OLECHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(OLECHAR) * (3 + 2 + 1)); if (*pszDifferential) { swprintf(*pszDifferential, L"%+03d%02d", lHours, lMinutes); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return hr; }
Z indicates no time differential. Be aware that Active Directory stores date and time as GMT time. If a time differential is not specified, GMT is the default.
The seconds value (SS) is optional.
If GMT is not the local time zone, apply a local differential value to specify your local time zone. The differential is: GMT=Local+differential.
To specify a differential, use:
Examples of UTCTime
Filter specifying a myTimeAttrib time set to 3/23/99 8:52:58 PM:
Filter specifying a myTimeAttrib time set to 3/23/99 8:52:58 PM without seconds specified:
Filter specifying a myTimeAttrib time set to 3/23/99 8:52:58 PM New Zealand Standard Time (differential is 12 hours). This is equivalent to 3/23/99 8:52:58 AM GMT.
Wildcards are not accepted.
The objectCategory property enables you to specify the lDAPDisplayName of the class set for the property.
Examples of OID
Filter specifying governsID for volume class:
Two equivalent filters specifying systemMustContain property containing uNCName, which has an OID of 1.2.840.113556.1.4.137:
(SystemMustContain=uNCName) (SystemMustContain=1.2.840.113556.1.4.137)