Directory Services

Example Code for Displaying Members of a Group

The following code example contains a function that displays the members of a group using IADsGroup and IADsMembers.

/*  PrintGroupObjectMembers()
- Prints the members of the group that the pADsGroup passes.
		IADsGroup * pADsGroup	 - Group from which to list members.
HRESULT PrintGroupObjectMembers(IADsGroup * pADsGroup)
	HRESULT		 hr				= S_OK;  // COM Result Code
	IADsMembers *   pADsMembers	 = NULL;  // Ptr to Members of the IADsGroup
	BOOL			fContinue		 = TRUE;  // Looping Variable
	IEnumVARIANT *  pEnumVariant	= NULL;  // Ptr to the Enum variant
	IUnknown *	pUnknown		= NULL;  // IUnknown for getting the ENUM initially
	VARIANT		 VariantArray[FETCH_NUM]; // Variant array for temp holding returned data
	ULONG		 ulElementsFetched = NULL;  // Number of elements fetched
	// Get an interface pointer to the IADsCollection of members.
	hr = pADsGroup->Members(&pADsMembers);
	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		// Query the IADsCollection of members for a new ENUM Interface.
		// Be aware that the enum comes back as an IUnknown *
		hr = pADsMembers->get__NewEnum(&pUnknown);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// QI the IUnknown * for a IEnumVARIANT interface
			hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void **)&pEnumVariant);
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				// While have not encountered errors or end of data...
				while (fContinue) 
				 ulElementsFetched = 0;
					// Get a "batch" number of group members- number of rows that FETCH_NUM specifies
					hr = ADsEnumerateNext(pEnumVariant, FETCH_NUM, VariantArray, &ulElementsFetched);
					if (ulElementsFetched )//SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE)
						// Loop through the current batch, printing 
						// the path for each member.
						for (ULONG i = 0; i < ulElementsFetched; i++ ) 
							IDispatch * pDispatch		 = NULL; 
							// ptr for holding dispath of element
							IADs	* pIADsGroupMember  = NULL; 
							// IADs ptr to group member
							BSTR		bstrPath		= NULL; 
							// Contains the path of the object.
							// Get the dispatch ptr for the variant.
							pDispatch = VariantArray[i].pdispVal;
							// Get the IADs interface for the "member" of this group.
							hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IADs,
														 (VOID **) &pIADsGroupMember) ;
							if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
							// Get the ADsPath property for 
							// this member.
								hr = pIADsGroupMember->get_ADsPath(&bstrPath) ;
								if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
									// Print the ADsPath of the 
									// group member.
									wprintf(L"\tMember Object: %ws\n", bstrPath);
								pIADsGroupMember   = NULL;
						// Clear the variant array.
						memset(VariantArray, 0, sizeof(VARIANT)*FETCH_NUM);
						fContinue = FALSE;
				pEnumVariant = NULL;
			pUnknown = NULL;
		pADsMembers ->Release();
		pADsMembers  = NULL;
	// If everything completed normally, all data
	// was printed, and an S_FALSE, indicating 
	// no more data, was received. If that is the case,
	// return an S_OK.
	if (hr == S_FALSE)
		hr = S_OK;
	return hr;

The following code example contains a function that displays the members of a group.

Sub DisplayGroupMembers(oGroup As IADsGroup)

	Dim oChild As IADs
	Dim sMembers As String

	On Error GoTo CleanUp

	MsgBox "Member Count: " & oGroup.Members.Count

	sMembers = "Names:"

	For Each oChild In oGroup.Members
		sMembers = sMembers & vbCrLf & oChild.Get("name")
	Next oChild

	MsgBox sMembers

	Exit Sub

	MsgBox ("An error has occurred... " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description)
	Set oChild = Nothing

End Sub