Directory Services |
The following code examples show how to use ADSI and LDAP to dynamically add an auxiliary class to an existing object instance. The examples assume that an auxiliary class named "vehicle" is defined in the Active Directory schema, and that the "vehicle" class has a "vin" attribute.
When you dynamically add an auxiliary class to an object instance, you must at the same time specify values for any mandatory mustHave attributes in the class. The following examples show how to do this with the "vin" attribute, which is assumed to be mandatory.
The ADSI example binds to an object, and uses IADs::PutEx to append the auxiliary class to the list of classes in the object's objectClass property. Then the example uses IADs::Put to set the value of the "vin" property. Finally, it calls IADs::SetInfo to commit the changes to the directory.
LPWSTR pszAuxClass[]={L"vehicle"}; LPWSTR pszVIN[]={L"df897dsfsa-0"}; VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); ADsOpenObject(L"cn=johnd,cn=users,dc=fabrikam,dc=com", NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, IID_IADs, (VOID**)&pIADs); ADsBuildVarArrayStr(pszAuxClass, 1, &var); pIADs->PutEx(ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, CComBSTR("objectClass",) var); ADsBuildVarArrayStr( pszVIN, 1, &var); pIADs->Put(CComBSTR("vin"), var); pIADs->SetInfo(); if(pIADs) pIADs->Release(); VariantClear(&var);